威腾国际服装贸易有限公司是一家有10余年服装国际贸易经验的公司,我们的客户遍布西非、东非、南美、中东、欧美等多个国家与地区。公司拥有自己的生产工厂并与众多的生产厂家建立了长期良好的合作关系,能为客户提供“一站式”服务,通过销售信息系统反馈能及时掌握市场的真正需求,提供给客户市场上最热销的产品。 目前,我们主要业务有接受各式男女内衣,内裤,文胸,背心,运动服,文化衫,睡裙,无缝内衣等产品的订单,产品种类丰富,物美价优,欢迎各位新老客户前来观看洽谈,共同开拓市场。-VICTAN International Trade Company is a special company which develops bases of export product and organizes export commodities.-VICTAN have established some companys in many countries of West Africa and South America, and is currently one of the largest companies for underwear sales in West Africa. -Our company have been in this industry for more than 10 years. Our main business is to accept the orders about all kinds of men or women underpants, bra, vest, sports wear, T-shirt, nightdress, seamless u... [