宁波保税区阿贝莱克电器有限公司系外商投资企业,总部土耳其,主要经营卫浴电器类产品。已与国内的江浙沪,广东等省市多家企业建立了合作关系长达15年之久。我们拥有自己的产品模具和生产流水线,主要生产自动感应纸巾机、自动感应皂液器等新型卫浴电器产品。这意味着可以为您提供更好的质量管控,更低的成本和更短的发货期限。我们集产品研发,生产及销售为一体,服务于酒店,家庭,办公及其他公共场所。我们能够为您提供优质的产品,一流的服务,欢迎您来电来函垂询!Ningbo Free Trade Zone Albayrak Electrical Appliance Co.,Ltd is a branch of foreigner Enterprise. Headquarter is located in Istanbul, Turkey.Specialized in the line of sanitary wares.We have established business relationship with many factories in China for 15 years.We offer papaer towel dispensers,soap dispenser,hand dryers,led showers,baby & old people cares,and air freshers.We proud of the best quality control,lower cost and short delivery time.We offer customized colour and packaging according to client’s demands.We satisfied many customers f... [