苏州市东风不锈钢制品厂坐落于苏州相城经济开发区,沪宁和苏嘉杭高速出口即到。工厂始创于1997年。1999年注册了国家商标品牌。2001年通过了ISO质量管理体系认证,十多年致力于商用厨房设备和中央厨房设备的研发、制造、销售和服务,并不懈的技术积累和完善。工厂以“品质、服务、创新、绩效、合协”的务实守信理念和扎实稳健风范,内外兼修来赢得客户,赢得市场,且执着地吸取客户的宝贵意见和先进实际经验,潜心研究,锐意创新。Suzhou Dongfeng Stainless Steel Products Factory is located in Suzhou Xiangcheng Economic Development Zone at the exits of Hu-Ning Expressway and Su-Jia-Hang Expressway. It was established in 1997, registered national brand mark in 1999, certified for ISO quality management system in 2001, having been engaged in R&D, manufacturing, sales and service of commercial kitchen apparatus and central kitchen fittings for over ten years with unremitting technical accumulation and improvement.The factory wins customer with both internal and external competitiveness, including practical a... [