潮安县港乐食品有限公司是胶基糖果、糖果、瑞士糖等产品专业生产加工的私营独资企业,其不断创新的产品深受广大客户的喜爱和信赖,畅销国内外。优质的产品,合理的价格及一流的服务赢得海内外客户的一致好评。潮安港乐食品有限公司拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系,以诚信、实力、平等合作、互利互惠为宗旨,获得业界的高度认可。我们确信,有您的支持,我们的努力,我们一定能建立长期稳定的合作关系,欢迎各界朋友莅临潮安县港乐食品有限公司参观、指导和业务洽谈。 Gangle Food Co.Ltd, loated in chao’an, Guangdong, is a sole proprietorship specializing in the production and processing of bubble gum, candy and sugus. Gangle’s innovative products command a good sale both at home and abroad. The high-quality of products , moderate prices and excellent service have earned a good reputation and salability by all clients. Gangle Food Co. Ltd ,with a complete and scientific quality management system,has obtained approval owing to its high honesty , absolute strength, equal cooperation and mutual benefit. We are sure ... [