潮州市裕峰陶瓷制作厂一家专业生产日用陶瓷、工艺陶瓷、礼品陶瓷的厂家。工厂配备了高温、中温色釉和工艺瓷器生产所需的生产设备、工艺,技术,拥有一支从事产品设计、生产、质量控制管理优秀队伍。产品远销世界各地以及国内各大城市,深受客户青睐。我们始终坚持质量第一、客户至上为经营宗旨,严格控制产品质量关,积极创新,取得多项产品外观专利证书和行业证书,产品远销世界各地以及国内各大城市,深受客户青睐。我们真诚欢迎国内外客户光临洽谈生意,建立友好的贸易关系,共创美好未来。 Chaozhou Yufeng Ceramics making factory is specialized in producing daily-used ceramic, craft ceramic and gift ceramic etc. The factory is equipped with daily used porcelain, stoneware for the production equipment, process and technology, and have an excellent team for product design, production management and QC control. Our products are well sold at home and abroad, and received great favor by customers.Our factory insists on Quality First, Customer foremost for business purposes. We sincerely welcome customers at home an... [