东莞市镒辰钢铁有限公司是一家集镀锌板材经销、加工和镀锌建材成品的生产、配送为一体的综合型企业。镒辰钢铁旗下拥有自主知名品牌“辰风”商标, 并拥有完善的管理体系和先进的生产设备,是集科研与生产、配送与服务、专业与综合、密切结合在一起的新型钢铁公司。集团公司主打产品:1、镀锌卷板;2、机制风管;3、电缆桥架;4、纵横剪板;5、其他相关。公司厂区总面积达100000平方米,位于东莞市中堂镇袁家涌北潢路西亭坊旁,我司与107国道和120省道相通,交通十分便利。 Dongguan Yi Chen Steel Company Limited is the Department of the central enterprises in Guangdong China Metallurgical Group Holdings subsidiary. Division I professional galvanized steel distribution, processing, distribution for the integrated enterprise entities, with its own famous brand" Chen Feng" brand, and has a sound management system and advanced production equipment, is a collection of scientific research and production, distribution and service, professional and comprehensive, close with the new iron and steel company. Company fl... [