金华市鼎立工具厂成立于2000年,位于浙江省金华市孝顺镇,发展至今,工厂一贯以质量求生存,以良好的产品信誉赢取市场。本工厂设备齐全,适应各类五金工具,日用产品,户外产品的生产和加工。专业生产各种品质和材质的喂鸟器系列,万向轮系列,园林工具系列,各类铁艺.塑料.木制挂钩,各种塑料件和五金件.希望广大新老客户选购.定做。我们将一最大的热诚为您服务。 JinHua Dingli Tools Co.,Ltd was founded in 2000,located in Xiaoshun town,Jinhua city,Zhejiang province. With 10 years of experience, we enjoy the reputation in the market with our good service and quality.We have all kinds of facilities to make metal and plastic products,now we specialize in producing bird feeders series,swivel caster series,garden tools series,hanger series,etc.We do hope to cooperate with the customers both at home and abroad,and try our best to supply the excellent products and service. [