本公司是一家台资企业,公司本着20多年生产实践经验,具有完善的开发,设计与生产能力,配合国际潮流,专研特殊环保材料的开发与应用,如TPU,PU,无毒PVC及后段加工等等,广泛应用于鞋材,沙发皮革,箱包材料以及体育器材,玩具等等。本公司以追求卓越的经营方针,创造时尚流行元素为开发的设计理念,致力于新产品的开发,以专业长远的眼光专研品质的提升,以精诚合作的态度,创造双赢,互利互信,与朋友携手并肩向国际市场的深度与广度奋进。Dong Zhen Plastic Co.,Ltd, a Taiwan-funded company, has more than 20 years experience of developing and manufacturing special leather. We specialize in green material such as TPU, PU, Non-toxic PVC and after-processing for the application of footwear, sofa, suitcase, bag and sport or toy.The management concept of the company is to develop cutting edge products with innovative and creative design concept by providing high quality products.Dong Zhen commits to a win-win strategy with partners to present in the worldwide market. [