我厂位于草编发源地-山东莱州沙河镇,是以传统草编为基础发展起来的,专业生产各种材料出口手提袋及其他材质工艺品的独立法人企业。本厂有20多年工艺品生产经验和强大的社会加工网络。 研发能力强,花色品种丰富,产品引领时尚潮流. 针对不同的客户提供不同的特色供应,长期为各类外贸公司定单供货,从接单到港口交货一条龙服务,也可为客户代办通关出口手续。 欢迎来电来函来人选购我厂产品或来图来样定单加工生产 。PROFILE OF OUR COMPANY: YANTAI FOCUS INTERNATIOANL CO., LTD, is a professional designer, manufacturer and exporter of all types of arts and crafts, most of which are casual bags and baskets mainly made of various well-selected natural materials, such as straw, wicker, jute, cotton, corn husk, wheat straw, paper string, and so on. Our current major export markets are Japan, Europe, the U.S.A. and Canada. With the experienced research and development staff, we can develop more than one thousand kinds of new products each year. Backed by over ten years of experience and our own factory :LAIZHOU SHAHE FOLKB... [