广州市小利汽车配件贸易有限公司是一家实力雄厚的零配件销售企业。产品远销美国、欧洲、非洲、中东、东南亚、台湾、香港、中国大陆等国家及地区,目前主要经营奔驰 宝马 奥迪 大众 日产 三菱 美国车 各系压力开关等进口车系的原厂配件,现货供应,量大特价。我们多年来秉承:诚信为本、质量第一、用户至上的方针,我们期待与更多的国内外客户建立合作共赢关系。地址:广州新广从路广从二路自编196-208号电话:0086-020-62358296 0086-020-62358323传真:0086-020-61155865 QQ:290570859/1917701621邮箱:gxyxqp@163.com网址:http://www.gzyxqp.com/ Guangzhou Xiaoli Auto Parts Trading Co is a strong parts sales business. Products are exported to the United States, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, mainland China and other countries and regions, and mainly engaged in Mercedes-Benz BMW Audi Volkswagen Nissan Mitsubishi car faculties pressure switches, etc. import cars and original accessories, stock supplies, large special. Over the years we uphold: honesty, quality first, customer first approach,... [