广州鸿锦通讯工具是集研发,生产, 销售为一体的厂家。主要产品为高中低档助焊膏、各类拆机工具、组合螺丝刀套装、电讯批、高档铝批、镊子系列、焊锡丝等工具,适用于各类手机、电脑及小型家电的生产加工及维修。我厂拥有货源充足,质量可靠,价格合理等绝对优势,产品畅销国内多个省份,同时远销中东,南美,东南亚等地区,深受国内外客户青睐。 本厂以“服务,守信,质量”为宗旨,真诚期待与您携手共进,共创美好未来!Guangzhou Hornking Communication Tools is a producing factory,which is concentred development,manufacture and distribution.Our products are consist of soldering paste,opening tool, manual screwdriver,tweezer and others,which are suitable for repairing mobile phone,computer and small household appliances.We hold many stock-in-trade,and which with high quality and nice price,so we have the absolutely competitive advantage.Our products had been sold in internal and many other country of Middle East,South America,Southeast Asia.We are looking forword to build the mutua... [