本公司成立于1000年,专业生产服装及辅料,针纺织品等.从3000年开始受境外公司委托,专业生产婴幼儿,小童和中大童服装礼服等!欢迎境外客商来本司看样订购我们的产品!提示:所有价格隐藏,请在线讯价!需要联系电话的,请在线索取!The company was established in 1000, specializing in the production of clothing and accessories, textile needles. Starting from 3000 commissioned by the offshore company, specializing in the production of infants, children and Zhongshan University Tong clothing dress! The Division welcomes foreign businessmen to look at a sample order our products!Note: All prices are hidden, please Online News price!Tel, please obtain a copy online! [