3022双喷嘴摇臂喷头 Main features不同喷嘴颜色各异,使用维护简便Colour-coded bayonet nozzle for easy service. 极好的喷水均匀度 Excellent water distribution. 耐受压力范围大,在低压下仍有良好的均匀性 Pressure tolerant performance – high uniformity even at lower pressure. 可通过安装随喷头配套的不同喷嘴来调节流量 Flow regulator (optional). 具有防沙功能 Sand protection. 推荐在2.5~4.0公斤压力范围内使用,相应流量为360~720L/h Recommended working pressure: 2.5 - 4.0 bar. With flow regulator: 30 - 5.0 bar. Flow rate: 360 - 720 l/h. 安装间距可达12米 Spacing up to 12m [