青岛金满泰包装有限公司本公司是集印刷制作加工为一体的综合性生产企业,具有自主进出口权,主要产品有塑料(PVC、PET、BOPS)领条,蝴蝶片(领花),领角插片,PVC盒;高透明PP包装袋,(无纺布、PVC、过水PE)家纺用缝纫拉链袋;TPU标、TPR标、热转印标、布标、电脑标等各种商标,吊牌,不干胶(异形胶贴),防潮纸 。我们的多种产品一直是国外几家客户的指定生产商。 我们非常欢迎新老客户前来洽谈业务,提出宝贵意见,也非常感谢您长期以来对我们的支持与合作,我们将一如既往的为您服务!直到永远!Qingdao gold Mantai Packaging Co. Ltd..The company is a set of printing Manufacture of integrated production enterprises, With independent import and export rights,the main products are plastic (PVC, pet, BOPS) get, butterfly pieces (collar), collar corner in sheet; high transparent PP bags, non-woven, PVC, PE) textile sewing zipper bag; a variety of trademark TPU, TPR, thermal transfer standard, cloth standard, computer and other standard, tag, label (shaped plastic paste), moistureproof paper. Our products have bee... [