杭州“金兔”房灯是一家专业以客房灯为主导生产制造商,主要生产客房卧室的落地灯、台灯、床头灯、镜前灯等系列产品,本公司具有专业产品设计和研发能力。生产基地引进先进的电镀、烤漆设备,表面处理精致,结构牢固,工艺先进,产品品质优秀。公司是以不断创新,以质取胜的经营理念。目前在国内设立有五百多家固定经销网络,承接了许多酒店连锁,星级酒店被数千家三星级以上酒店采用。金兔人凭着自己的智慧,值根于艺术,创新于生活,以品质求生存,以信誉赢客户,积极进取,创造出古典、现代、尊贵、华丽、高雅的灯饰系列产品。Hang Zhou “King Rabbit” Co. Ltd. is a professional manufacturer which specializes in producing hotel lamps .The produces are mainly floor lamps, desk lamps, bedside lamps, etc. With strong manufacture capability, our company is good at developing and desiring. We introduced advanced plating and painting equipments, which produce high quality products with sophisticated design and fine finish。“King Rabbit” has been always adhering the spirit of “ Win With High Quality” and continuously bringing... [