我们成立于2002年,以专注手袋皮具制造为大家所知。在日益竞争的市场环境中,一直持续稳定的发展,长期服务多家国内外知名品牌。我们的团队:经验丰富的管理人员和技能熟练的员工,分布于备料,开料,胶水,车缝,五金装配,品检,包装工作岗位。为你监督采购,生产,品质和出货的全过程,配备专业跟单人员,随时为你提服务。我们的产品:手机皮套,iphone皮套,ipad皮套,mid皮套 小皮件/钱包,皮带电子仪器包,相机包,电脑包/电脑背包休闲袋/背包,登山包,EVA包装产品:EVA盒,EVA包,时尚女包,化妆包,礼品盒,Basic is the professional manufacturer and exporter of bags and accessories from China. We was established in 2002 and has established worldwide name in bag industry. We offer wide range of bags and professional severs in bags trading business. We follow hi-professional approach to development, quality and production. Our dedicated team of 10 professional and more than 150 skilled & unskilled workers promises international standard of manufacturing and commitments.We are equipped with 200 latest hi-speed machines a... [