本公司主要生产和经营户外背包、背囊、双肩背包、旅行包、摄影包等。面料可以是:尼龙、牛津、帆布(但不做PV或者PVC的光料产品),欢迎来样订做或者按我们的样板加工订做,起订量为,每色款100个起。打板费依情况而定,如有看板要求,请按照样板上的单价付费,此多于费用可以在日后的合作过程中酌情处理。未尽事宜,欢迎电话垂询!公司秉承"顾客至上,锐意进取"的经营理念,坚持"客户第一"的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。欢迎惠顾,合作愉快!Our company mainly produces and operates outdoor backpacks, traveling bags, camera bags, etc. Shell fabric can be: nylon, Oxford, canvas (but not PV or PVC light material products), welcome to sample customized(OEM) or according to our sample processing customized, MOQ per color of 100 up. Make the boards fee situational, if you want to know our samples, please pay the price which according to the example(our net shop), this more than fees can be in the future cooperation process act accordingly. All pending issues, welcome to telephone to inquire!Companies... [