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苍南县诚鼎塑料制品有限公司是一家致力于开发和专业生产各类塑料制品的企业。企业主要开发和生产各种塑料广告促销系列、乐扣杯系列、保鲜盒系列、压克力钥匙扣系列、PP广告扇系列、名片座系列、牙签筒系列、开瓶器系列、杯垫系列等广告促销品,以物美价廉的优势获得国内外客户商的信赖。 本公司拥有世界领先的工艺品生产流水线设备及高水平的技术管理人员和高素质的团队,以“诚信为本,鼎力开发”的信念,凭着“产品新颖,质量第一”的宗旨,深受国内外客户商的欢迎。CangNan chengding plastic products co., Ltd. is an enterprise which concentrating efforts on exploiting and specialized in producing all kinds of plastic products; We mainly developing and producing various flask opener, acrylic keychain, PP advertising sector series, card-case , pencil vase, coaster, advertising cup series, leather lamp series, advertising promotion products and so on; with low price and high quality, our products gains trusting of customer merchant from home and abroad Our company owns equipment of handicraft art... [详细介绍]