义乌市政雅电器商行主营各类 led灯、LED风铃、小夜灯、窗帘吊灯、蜡烛台、led 电子钟等产品公司义乌市财富大厦B座9楼935室 设有直销处,款式多样 设计新颖 深受新老客户欢迎!义乌市政雅电器商行拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。义乌市政雅电器商行的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临义乌市政雅电器商行有限公司参观、指导和业务洽谈。联系人: 何先生 13605825219固话:0579-85188247Welcome to Yiwu Zhengya International Trade Co., Ltd.Our company locates in one of the world famous cities— Yi wu, China and it is that delicate and beautiful as the city. We are engaged in the lamp line with a history of over ten years. In Yiwu and Shenzhen we both have factories and please believe that we are ranged in the top- class manufacturer of the LED production in china .we always persist in expanding overseas markets and constantly developing new products under the comprehensive qualified and controlled process. [