本公司成立于1998年,坐落于中国微小型轴承生产基地--慈溪. 我们是专业生产微小型轴承的厂家,现主要品牌NXJ轴承。拥有全自动生产设备和先进的测试仪器.以雄厚的技术力量为后盾.对所有产品进行专业严格的质量测试. 产品远销国内外,并出口美国,日本,及东南亚各地. 我公司真诚欢迎新老客户洽谈业务,非常希望能和大家合作! The company was established in 1998, located in miniature bearings production base in China - Cixi. We are professional manufacturer of miniature bearings manufacturers, is the main brand NXJ bearings. Has a fully automatic production equipment and advanced testing equipment. With the backing of a strong technical force. For all the rigorous product quality testing. Products sold at home and abroad, and exported to the U.S., Japan, and Southeast Asia. Our company sincerely welcome new and old customers to discuss business, very much like to cooperate with you! [