碳纤维气瓶及瓶阀Air cylinder& Air cylinder Valve气瓶由高强度铝合金内胆加全缠绕的碳纤维复合材料制成,强度高,重量轻。气瓶是采用全缠绕碳纤维复合材料,气瓶内胆采用高强度、耐腐蚀、重量轻的铝合金材料;外部用数层碳纤维、玻璃纤维缠绕;气瓶表层为环氧树脂。The air cylinder is made of high-strength aluminum alloy inner and fully wrapping carbon fiber composite material with high strength and light weight.瓶阀带有安全自锁装置,可避免因使用过程中不慎碰撞或误操作而打开或关闭气瓶阀。气瓶阀的开关手轮,逆时针旋转为开启,反之为关闭,气瓶阀上设有安全膜片,爆破压力为(37~45)MPa,可防止气瓶内压力过高而变形或爆破。The Valve with safe self lock device is to avoid open or close air cylinder valve caused by collision or mishandle in operation. The hand&nbs... [