深圳市胜德过电缆有限公司旗下品牌:胜德过、卫胜、雅奇、永盛是一家生产与销售为一体的现代化企业;本公司技术力量雄厚,具有现代化生产线及配套齐全的检测设备,在技术和生产上严格按照电线电缆的相关标准进行生产,拥有完善的质量管理手段,高素质的生产管理人员,专业的技术骨干和一批具有营销经验的精英,一贯坚持“以质量求生存,以质量求发展,以质量求信誉”的经营理念,造优良的产品,以优惠的低价位,创永久的信誉,诚实守信,精益求精,使公司事业蒸蒸日上。本公司 一如既往以“一流的质量,一流的服务,一流的信誉”为广大用户服务,用户的满意是我们永远追求的目标,热情诚邀社会各界客户莅临指导,诚招全国代理商合作!Shenzhen Shengde guo cable limited company's two major brands: sheng de guo, Wei Sheng is a production and sales as one of the modern enterprise; the company has strong technical strength, with the modernization of production lines and supporting a full range of testing equipment, technology and production in strict accordance with the relevant standards for the production of wire ... [