本厂成立于1994年,专门生产袖珍式手动缝纫机,现在有独立的品牌和专利技术,凡是本厂出的产品,如遇有质量问题1月内包退,半年内包修.如客户需要详细的资料可通过我们联系索取.本厂现有2-3种商标,6-8份专利,本厂忠诚为每一个客户服务. 操作说明1.持机:用右手四指托住机座,大拇指自然的放在机身上盖顶端,平稳的持住整机。如图(1)所示。1.Holding:suppouting the botton of the machine with the four fingers of your right hand and them putting your thumb on the top of the machine for holding the machine tightly.(fig 1)2.穿线:如图(1)将线轴一的线轻轻拉出。穿过引线圈A,然后引入夹线调节片B。在穿过引线圈C。引过的线头暂时放在机针旁,另将穿线器从机针前面(向机身结合部)穿过机针孔,再将线头引入穿线器小孔中,退出穿线器拉出线头约2-3公分压线板压住即可待用。(见图1)2.Threading:(fig 1)drawing the lisle softly from the bobbin and threading it from winding A,and the put it in the tension controller B.Then threading it through the winding C.Putting the top of the lisle beside the needle,and then threading the lisle t... [