雷州市佳和影视器材有限公司是专业生产影视器材,摄影背景的企业。公司拥有一批专业技术研发人员和优秀的绘画艺术人才.他们以勤业、敬业、互帮互学的团队精神奠定了公司发展的基石; 将现代科学技术的理论与实践相结合,开拓创新,锐意进取是公司发展的源泉;优质的产品和服务与强大的销售网络是公司发展壮大的保障. 公司始终以“市场为导向,质量为根本,科技为动力,共同发展为目标”作为企业宗旨,期望逐步成长为产品多元化,管理现代化经营国际化的现代企业,竭诚欢迎新老客户、朋友莅临企业共同发展.Leizhou City Jiahe Photographic Equipment Co., Ltd. is specialized in producing photographic equipment and background. The company has developed a number of professional and technical personnel and excellent painting artistic talents. Their spirits of hard-working, loyalty to work, and solidarity have greatly contributed to the foundation of company’s development. The combination of utility of modern scientific technology, as well as the determination to be pioneering and innovative and to make progress... [