舟山市定海东顺渔具厂位于风景秀丽的舟山群岛,紧靠驰名中外的海天佛国普陀山,环境优美.风景宜人有“小上海”之称,交通极其方便,是一家专业型制造研发海洋船用钓具生产企业。本企业生产各种型号的鱿鱼钩,转环,金枪鱼钩及相关产品。我们以可靠的产品质量,合理的价格定位,尽心的服务态度真心期待着与您的合作。Company set Haidong Zhoushan fishing tackle factory is located in the beautiful Shun Zhoushan Islands, close to the world-famous Mount Pu Tuo, a beautiful environment. Scenery as "Little Shanghai", said the traffic is extremely convenient, is a professional manufacturer R & D Marine Marine fishing tackle manufacturers. The production of various types of squid hooks, swivels, tuna hook, and related products. We a reliable product quality, reasonable price positioning, dedicated service attitude, really looking forward to your cooperation.(英文版)舟山市东顺渔具厂(Fishing Tackle Factory Zhoushan Dong Shun)地址:舟山市定海区兴国路70号ADD:Dinghai District, Zhoushan City, 70 Road, a... [