天然乳胶玩具气球生产线采用连续生产方式和直浸方式,乳胶成膜均匀,色泽艳丽,各种规格和异型球可以同时在线生产,可以同时生产8种颜色气球,丝网印刷;生产线长度有30米,46米,60米,80米等多种规格,全自动脱模,产量高,产品无垂点。也可以根据客户生产场地设计安装生产线.The provision of natural latex / neoprene balloons milk production lines, production lines, 30meters, 46 meters, 60 meters wide range of specifications, a high degree of automation, high output, the product down point-free, multi-color at the same time, can also be designed in accordance with the actual needs of customers installation. [