天津奥克优国际贸易有限公司,是中铝氢氧化铝天津及周边地区总代理,是一家从事精细化工品及有机化工原料进出口贸易的专业公司。本公司享有进出口经营权及天津港保税区内的各项优惠政策,拥有雄厚的经济实力。 天津奥克优国际贸易有限公司经营范围广泛,包括:阻燃剂、橡胶助剂、增塑剂、溶剂、净水剂、酸酐等化工产品。Brief Introduction of Okeyou Tianjin Okeyou International Trade Co., Ltd. is an enterprise which engages in international trade in refined chemicals and organic chemical material. It can enjoy all favourable policies of Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone with the right for import and export business, and it has high economic strength. Business scope of Tianjin Okeyou International Trade Co., Ltd. Includes petrochemicals, electromechanical devices, electronic products, measuring appliance, knitgoods, textile, paper product, printed matter, commodities, hardware, metal material, plastics articles and the import and export of technologies as well. You are welcome at Tianjin Okeyou International... [