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WONDER-LIGHT杀菌灯能有效的产生大量紫外线光照,其中90%是最具有杀菌效果的253.7nm的紫外线。该波段辐射与下面的杀菌效果图中曲线波峰265nm波段(微生物最致命的波长)的杀菌效果接近。我们的杀菌灯在对水﹑空气杀菌领域中有广泛应用。主要用于食品饮料工业﹑医学应用﹑采暖通风﹑空调设施﹑制药和电子杀菌。另外,在饮用水﹑废水和地下水的加工上也有应用。 紫外线灯管UV-Lamps ·Low Pressure UV-Lamps(254nm or 185nm)低压紫外线灯管 ·HO UV-Lamp(high output) Operation time:10,000h ·低压高输出紫外线灯管(设计工作寿命:10000小时) ·Amalgam UV Lamp Operation time:12,000h ·低压汞齐紫外线灯管(设计工作寿命:12000小时) UV Germicidal Lamp WONDER germicidal lamp can effectively produce a largenumberof ultraviolet light, 90% of whom are the most 253.7 nm ultraviolet sterilization effect. The band and the sterilization effect curve peaks 265 nm band (the wavelength of the most deadly microorganism) closeto the sterilizing effect. 石英套管Quartz... [详细介绍]