iphone4/4s特效滤镜转盘+保护壳Special Lens&Filter Turret for iphone4/4sHolga SLFT-IP4特效滤镜转盘是一款专供iPhone4/4s拍摄特别效果照片的配件转盘共有十种特效模式可供选择只要简单的转动转盘便可转出一个精彩的世界!滤镜包含:(双菱镜 三菱镜 四影镜 微距镜 普通镜 红心镜 红镜 绿镜 黄中空镜 普通镜)附镜头盖专属机型:iphone4 & iphone4s店主推荐:非常有意思的滤镜设计 感觉其中微距镜头很强大 另外要说明一下 这个是光学滤镜和普通iphone上的拍照特效软件有所区别 尤其是当你拍摄视频的时候 随时可以更换想要的特殊效果呢!型号:SLFT-IP4。有五款颜色可选。9种镜头和滤镜分别是: Dual Image Lens- Makes 2 identical images in one frameTriple Image Lens- Makes 3 identical images in one frameQuadruple Image Lens- Makes - wait for it - 4 identical images in one frameMacro Lens- Get close-up on your subject for amazing detail!Red Filter with Clear Heart Shape Center- Red color filter with a clear, heart-shaped centerRed Filter- For a rose-colored lookGreen Filter- Give your photos a green tingeYellow Filter ... [