一帆风石膏装饰制品,是目前国内设备先进、品种齐全的企业之一。本厂拥有一批高素质的管理人员和熟练的技术人员及具有新概念的产品设计师。实行设计、生产、安装一条龙服务,专门承接酒店、宾馆、别墅等异性吊顶的大型工程。本厂产品各项技术指数安国家标准执行。 一帆风石膏装饰决不满足于今天的成绩和领先地位,本厂讲始终坚持以“品牌至上、质量至精、服务至诚”的原则,为发展中国的新型绿色环保建材做出贡献。 The wind gesso decorates goods capable, Is the present domestic advanced equipment, complete varieties of one of enterprise. Our factory has a group of high quality management personnel and skilled technicians and has a new concept product designers. The implementation of design, production, installation, special services for the hotel, the guesthouse, villas and so on condole of large project opposite sex. The products of our factory all technology index Ann national standards implementation. The wind is capable gesso adornment not content with the result today and leading positi... [