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安丘市正大花生机械厂是最早研制\开发\生产花生机械的专业化企业,主要生产各种花生、瓜子深加工机械。 公司凭借雄厚的技术力量和二十多年的生产经验,以及精益求精的产品,高效、诚信、专业的企业形象,充分得到了广大客户的认可和好评,产品遍及全国并远销欧美、东南亚几十个国家和地区。 我公司配有专业的食品工程师,免费为客户提供各色食品配方、工艺流程、厂房设计、设备安装调试等服务,欢迎广大朋友前来洽谈。Zhengda peanut machinery factory is the first professional enterprise that develop, design and manufacture peanut machinery, mainly manufacture processing machine for different kinds of peanut and melon seeds.With our strong technological capabilities and years of production experience, also efficient ,honest and professional corporate image ,we get the highly recognition and praise from our customers ,our market ,throughout the world including Europe, America and South-east Asia.The professional food engineers in our company can provide with service including food formula, flow sheet, plant des... [详细介绍]