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深圳市龙志金属有限公司,专业的锑锭金属供应商,拥有自营进出口权,并已通过一般纳税人资格验证。我们在全球有固定的锑品原料供应、生产合作基地,并且我们更看重的是生产基地的环境保护、管理和企业承担的社会责任素养。我们主要经营产品:金属锑、小锑锭、锑珠、铅锑合金、精锡、电解铅、精铋、精镉及电解锰片、金属硅、硅锰合金、各种规格三氧化二锑等。我们经过几年优质、专业、诚信的服务,已赢得了客户及业内同行的认可,但我们并不会满足现状,为了共同的目标让我们携手共进。经营理念:谋事以诚、平等互利、信誉至上。 Shen Zhen LZ Metals Co., Ltd, a professional supplier of non-ferrous metals, with import and export rights authorized by the Chinese government. Main products: Antimony ingot; Antimony powder; small Antimony block; Antimony beads; Lead-antimony alloy; Tin ingot; Electrolytic Lead; Bismuth ingot; Electrolytic Manganese; Silicon metal; silicon-manganese alloy; Antimony Trioxide in various specifications. After several years high-quality, professional and honest service, we have won the praise from customer... [详细介绍]