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扬州天元座椅有限公司位于江苏省扬州市天山镇工业园区,333省道旁,交通便捷。公司创建与2000年,是生产各种工程机械座椅、农业机械座椅、客车/卡车驾驶座椅、面包车座椅等各类座椅的专业生产厂家。公司占地面积18000平方米,建筑面积10000平方米,拥有较先进剪切、冲压、焊接、涂装等机械加工设备,具备年产20万套座椅的生产能力,产品主要为南京长安、宇通重工、徐工、临工、常林、三一重机等主机厂配套,部分产品通过国家3C认证。公司以质量求生存,以价格求发展,以服务求信誉,竭诚为广大客户提供最好的产品和服务,愿与各届合作伙伴,同谋发展,共创辉煌。Yangzhou Tianyuan Chair Co.,ltd is located on the Tianshan Town Industrial Park ,yangzhou city, Jiangsu province, beside the 333 Provincial road ,has very convenient transportation. Our company was founded in 2000, specializes in the production of construction mechanical seat、agricultural mechanical seat、bus/truck driver seat、minibus seat and other kinds of seats.Our company covers an area of 18,000 square meters and has a building area of 10,000 square meters, with ... [详细介绍]