浙江省兰溪市春灵乳胶涂料厂是一家专业各类乳胶动物胶以及涂料的工厂,公司成立于1998年,目前主要产品有春灵牌白胶封口胶动物胶醋酸乙烯酯乳液,固体胶PVP和PVA,金粉胶,液体胶等各种胶水.具有多年的白胶和固体胶生产经验,我司白胶系列产品安全无毒,粘性强等特点,先后通过欧洲EN71,美国ASTMD系列测试。产品远销到东南亚、中东,欧洲和美洲等地,得到国内外客户一致好评,深受顾客信赖,欢迎海内外客户来样加工订做。我厂的宗旨:以质量求生存,以诚信求发展。期待着不久将来我们的合作Established in 1998, Chunling Latex & Coating factory is located in lanxi city.zhejiang.china. we are specialize in producing all kinds of latex .animal glue and coating.our main products are as following :white glue. sealing compound.animal glue . polyvinyl acetate emulsion.pvp.pva. and liquid glue with Chunling brand. We obtain produced white glum and solid gum for many years’ experiences. Our products are safety. non-toxicity and good viscosity. We have already pass the tests of EN71 and ASTMD.and our goods are sells well... [