类型:手提式灭火器 | 型号:333 | 灭火剂类型:干粉、泡沫、二氧化碳 |
品牌:永安,浙安 |
手提式、推车式、悬挂式灭火器 手提式、推车式、悬挂式灭火器具有结构简单、操作灵活方便、高效快速灭火、可间歇或连续喷射等优点。适用于扑救油类、易燃液体、固体有机物、气体和电器设备的初期火灾。是厂矿企业、机间、学校、宾馆、写字楼、油泵房、加油站、化工油漆房、车船等交通工具和易着火场所必备的灭火设备。 我公司供应多种规格手提式、悬挂式和推车式干粉灭火器,手提式和推车式机械泡沫、水成膜灭火器,手提式和推车式二氧化碳灭火器。
Portable, Transportable & Suspended Fire Extinguisher
Portable, transportablt and suspended fire extinguisher is featured by simple structure, easy and flexible operation, high performance, and intermittent or constant water spraying. It is used to put out the initial tire of soils, flammable liquids, organic solids, gases, and electrical equipment. It is really a necessary fire extinguishing equipment for plants, mines, institutions, schools, hotels, office buildings, oil pump rooms, gas stations, oil paint rooms, and other places that are easy to catch fire.
Our company supply portable and transportable powder, CO2, foam and aqueous film extinguishers with kinds of specification. And we do supply suspended powder auto extinguisher.