- 联系人:张成虎
- 电话:86 0557 2180009
- 传真:86 0557 2180009
公司成立于2006年,全套酒精生产设备和工艺系从挪威AOCPUSH公司引进,具有国际先进和国内领先水平。 公司现有员工100余人,拥有固定资产人民币1000万元,占地近百亩,具有雄厚的技术实力和经济实力。 酒精主体设备工艺先进,自动化程度高,以小麦为原料,采用双酶法液化糖化,大罐连续发酵,五塔差压蒸馏。 主营产品有伏特加,优级酒精,特级酒精,变性酒精,脱醛酒精,提供伏特加OEM并供应散装酒体,质优价低。 公司依据ISO9002标准建立质量管理体系。公司的质量方针是:质量为本,科技为魂,顾客至上,用户至尊。 我公司独家供应SD40B变性酒精:1、用于化妆品、香妆品、美发护发用品、指甲油和指甲油去除剂等。2、用于家用产品(家用清洁剂、洗涤剂、消毒剂、干洗剂、驱(杀)虫剂、皮革保护剂等) 。3、用于儿童玩具、装璜装饰用品。4、用于化工、油漆、脱漆剂、印刷油墨。5、用于农药、植物生长调节剂、杀虫剂、杀鼠剂、灭螺剂、苍蝇、蚂蚁、蟑螂的诱饵。 Anqy Biochemistry Co. LTD ,founded in 2006, owns a full set of alcohol production equipment derived from Norway AOCPUSH, leading international and domestic level. Anqy currently has been staffed with over 100 employees, possessing fixed assets of more than 10 million yuan. Company occupies nearly 100 acres, with strong technical strength and economic strength. The main alcohol equipment not only is highly automatic but also combines with advanced technology. Production of ethanol from wheat as raw material, using double enzyme liquefaction saccharification, large cans of continuous fermentation and the five differential pressure distillation tower. Our main products include VODKA, superior grade alcohol, premium alcohol, denatured alcohol, ethanol without aldehyde, to provide bulk supply of VODKA OEM, with high quality but low price. Establishment of the company based on ISO9002 quality management system standards. Our quality policy is: quality, technology for the soul, the customer first, user supreme. We exclusive supply denatured alcohol of SD40B,SD39C, |
公司名称: |
宿州市飞青博大安琪生化有限公司 |
公司类型: |
企业单位 () |
所 在 地: |
安徽/宿州市 |
公司规模: |
注册资本: |
未填写 |
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经营范围: |
许可经营项目:预包装食品销售(许可证有效期至2013-05-18);一般经营项目:生化试剂(不含危险品)、酶制剂、饲料购销。 |
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