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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 温度传感器 烧烤报警器 测温计 烧烤好帮手 红外温度传感
温度传感器 烧烤报警器 测温计 烧烤好帮手 红外温度传感
温度传感器 烧烤报警器 测温计 烧烤好帮手 红外温度传感
产 品: 温度传感器 烧烤报警器 测温计 烧烤好帮手 红外温度传感  
型 号: 库存外贸 
品 牌: Remote Grill Thermometer 
单 价: 65.00元/套 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
更新日期: 2013-07-31  有效期至:长期有效
  即时询单  立即购买  加入购物车
是否提供加工定制: 品牌: Remote Grill Thermometer
型号: 库存外贸 种类: 温度
材料: 混合物 材料物理性质: 绝缘体
材料晶体结构: 其他 制作工艺: ---
输出信号: 模拟型


本品由探针,接收器和底座发射器组成.探针的材料为不锈钢.接收器有七个按键:HR,CLEAR,MIN,MEAT,TASTE,MODE,START/STOP.HR在时间模型下,按压设置小时.在温度计模式下,按压以增加温度数值.CLERA/F/C:在时间模式下,当时间读秒或计数停止时,按压以清除时间记录.在温度计模式下,按压以选择温度读数为华氏度或摄氏度MIN:在时间模式下,按压以设置分钟,在温度计模式下,表示减少温度数值.MODE:按压选择是温度计模式或是时间模式.MEAT:在温度计模式下,按压以选择肉的种类.有牛肉,猪肉,鸡肉,火鸡,羊肉,牛排六种种类.TASTE:在温度计的模式下,按压表示选择口味或煮熟度水平.START/STOP:按压以开始或停止读秒或计数.ON/OFF:启动或关闭接收器的开关.SILVER SIDE BUTTON:边上的银色按键,在接收器开着时用作开启或关闭LED闪光灯.


华氏度与摄氏度之间的换算关系是:摄氏度×5/9+32=华氏度。在摄氏度时,华氏度的值恰好比摄氏度的值大60。1英寸=2.54厘米; 1  厘米=0.3937 英寸.一步约为七十厘米.

The product is consest with Probe,Receiver and  Transmitter. The prode is made of stainless steel.And there are seven buttons in the receiver.There are HR,CLEAR,MIN,MEAT,TASTE,MODE,START/STOP.

Tips:the product hasn't packing box.If you want  it ,we can custom make for you .But it will  more expensive and consignment after 15 days.The product and packer are 30 dollors.


General Use Instructions(Grill or Oven)
1.Locate the battery compartments and load 2AAA batteries(no included)into bothj Handheld Unit(Transmitter)
2.Place Handheld unit in Base Unit cradle(units should be in close proximity for establishing data link)
3.Place meat on grill or in oven.
4.Insert stainless-steel meat probe ino the thickest part of meat.
5.Carefully,replace/close grill lid or oven dooor on heat-resistant braided steel probe wire.
6.Plug probe wire into Base Unit.
7.Turn ON the Handheld Unit and Base Unit by locating both   small "ON/OFF"switches.
8.Handheld Unit and Base Unit will establish data link automatically.Registration is complete when the Handheld Unit beeps and the probe temperature appears where the "---"was flashing.
9.Once link is established,enter type of meat(Beef,Veal,Lamb,Pork,Chicken,Turkey)by pressing meat button on Handheld Unit until desired meat is selected.
10.Once meat type is selected,set desired taste level(Rare,Medium-rare,Medium,Well-Done)by pressing taste button on Handheld Unit until desired taste/doneness level is selected.
11.To set the desired internal meat temperature manually:Press HR or MIN button to raise or lower the temperatrue value aftermeat selection is made.
12.Grill or 'cook until alarm sounds indicating that the desired taste/doneness level is reached.For bestresults set countdown/count up timer and check meat periodically(see timer instructions)
13.Remove Meat from grill or oven and allow to cool(approx.5min.)and serve.

Receiver Button Profiles

1.HR Button:in timer mode,press to set hour.In thermoneter mode,press to incease the temperature value.
2.CLEAR/f/c:in timer mode,when the timer countdown/count up process is stopped,press to clear the timer reading.In themometer mode,press to select temperature readings in Celsius of Fahrenheit.
3.MIN:in timer mode,press to set minutes.In thermometer mode,press to decrease temperature value.
4.MODE:press to select thermometer or timer mode.
5.MEAT:in thermometer mode press to select meat type(BEEF,VEAL,LAMB,PORK,CHICKEN,TURKEY)
6.TASTE:in thermometer mode press to select taste/doneness level(W.DONE,MEDIUM,M.RARE,or RARE)
7.START/STOP:press to start or stop the timer ocuntdown or count up.
8.ON/OFF:switch on backside above clip-turns receiver on and off.
9.SILVER SIDE BUTTON:press to turn LED light will not work while receiver power is OFF)

Battery Replacement Instructions:

Handheld Unit(Receiver)

1.Locate battery compartment underneath belt clip on the backside of the Handheld Unit.
2.Remove belt clip to access battery compartment(use small Phillips head screwdriver)
3.Carefully,remove battery cover.
4.Carefully,load 2AAAbatteries(not included)
5.Replace battery cover and belt clip

Timer Instruction

Countdown Timer
1.Press MODE to select timer mode.The upper display will show a small TIMER and 0:00
2.Press HR and MIN button to start countdown timer. the "
"will blink for evey second.
3.To stop countdown timer,press START/STOP button again.The"
becomes solid.
4.Press CLEAR button to clear the setting back to 0:00

Count Up Timer
1.Press MODE to select timer mode.The upper display will show a small TIMER and 0:00
2.Press START/STOP button to start count up.the "
"will blink for evey second.
3.To stop countdown timer,press START/STOP button again.The"
"becomes solid.
4.Press CLEAR button to clear the setting back to 0:00

LED Flashlight Instructions

1.Press and hold silver button on side of Handheld Unit for flashlight illumination while receiver switch is in the ON position
2.Release silver button to turn off


Problem:Cannot Make Meat Selection
Solution:May be in Timer Mode.Check  to make sure that the Handheld Unit is in Thermometer Mode by pressing MODE button.

Problem:No Data Link between Handheld Unit and Base Unit.
Solution1:Check to make sure that both units are turned ON while in close proximity to one another
Solution2:Check  Batteries for replacement.

Problem:Flashlight will not work
Solution1:Make sure receiver switch is in the ON position and press flashlight button on the side of the Handheld Unit
Solution2:Check batteries for replacement

Cleaning Instruction

1.Hand wash probe gently with soap and water
2.Do NOT immerse probe in water while cleaning
3.Dry immediately
4.DO NOT WASHHandheld Unit or Base Unit

Helpful Hints

1.For best results,make sure probe tip is inserted into the meat a least 1inch.
2.Do not allow the probe or probe wire to come in direct contact with flames.I f cooking with grill cover closed,only use medium and low heat.
3.Make sure that probe tip is inserted into the center of meat(NOT poking through meat)


1.Caution Meat Probe and Probe Wire are very hot while in use.
2.Always use a heat-resistant glove when handling meat probe or probe wire shile in use .DO NOT touch with bare hands
3.DO NOT expose Handheld/Base Unit to direct heat or hot surfaces
5DO NOT expose Base Unit/Probe plug connector to water
6.DO NOT use Handheld/Base Unit in the rainNOT WATERPROOF
7.Base Unit registers temperatures a s low as 30f and as high as 410F.If 410F is exceeded probe wire may deteriorate.
8.This product is intended for use as a meat thermometer.NOT INTENDED FOR USE AS AN EXTERNAL OVEN THERMOMTER
9.Keep Stainless Stainless Steel Probe/Wire away from Children.


If you interest in it ,please contact with me through following method.
TEL:86-0755-29658655. Shirley.   FAX:86-0755-27961933. MSN:mysister268@live.cn. E-MAIL:zishirley@126.com.



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