加工定制: | 是 |
型号: | BL1200/1500 |
载重能力: | 1200/1500 |
起升高度: | 4500 |
自重: | 1185/1245 |
最低高度: | 90 |
类型: | 电动堆高车 |
品牌: | 彪丽 |
● 配置大容量的牵引电池,充电方便快捷,电量持久,带电量显示表,低电压报警灯;
The configuration of high-capacity batteries, convenient and quick charging, lasting power, electric quantity display table, low voltage alarm lamp;
● 采用特殊工艺加工成型的门架.安全美观.坚固耐用;
Adopt special molding door frame. Safe and beautiful durable;
● 带有低电压保护功能,在蓄电池电压短时间低于规定电压 时.低电压保护功能可保证电池及电器元件的安全。
With the low voltage protection function, the voltage in the storage battery is lower than the prescribed voltage in short time. Low voltage protection function to ensure the safety of the battery and electrical components.
● 带有自由提升功能,可进入集装箱内操作,提高仓储工作的效能;
With the free lifting function, can enter the container operations, improve the work efficiency of storage;
● 必须严格按照堆高车的载荷曲线图中所允许的剩余载荷进行操作,严禁超载使用,确保安全。
It must be in strict accordance with the car pile high load curves allowed by the remaining load operation, never overload, to ensure safety.
型号 |
CDD-1.2A |
CDD-1.5A |
额定起升重量 Q |
kg |
1200 |
1500 |
额定起升高度 h3 |
mm |
4500 |
载荷中心距 C |
mm |
600 |
货叉最小离地距离 h1 |
mm |
90 |
门架缩回时总高 h2 |
mm |
2172 |
作业时最大高度 h4 |
mm |
5357 |
操作手柄高度 h5 |
mm |
1100~1420 |
自由提升高度 h6 |
mm |
1550 |
车体总长 L |
mm |
2070 |
车体总宽 B |
mm |
940 |
轮距 Y |
mm |
1353 |
最小转弯半径 Wa |
mm |
1636 |
货叉(厚×宽×长) s×e×l |
mm |
56×160×1150 |
货叉外宽 b1 |
mm |
560 |
直角堆垛通道宽度 ast |
mm |
≥2520 |
平衡轮尺寸 |
mm |
Φ150×75 |
前轮尺寸 |
mm |
Φ78×70 |
驱动轮尺寸 |
mm |
Φ260×80 |
起升速度 |
空载mm/s |
110 |
满载mm/s |
85 |
最大行驶速度 |
km/s<, o:p> |
6.0, |
行走电机功率 |
kw |
1.2 |
提升电机功率 |
kw |
3.0 |
蓄电池规格 |
AH/V |
240/24 |
自重 |
kg |
1185 |
1245 |