关于德国“1188”高智能润滑油 在经济飞速发展的中国,汽车数量不断增加,尾气排放所带来的自然危害越来越大,从而使国人对汽车保养更加重视。成都德美润滑油有限公司同德国“1188”润滑油集团紧密合作,采用全球最好的基础油和高智能复合添加剂,结合中国国情(路况、地理环境、车型等)不同因数。通过多年的潜心研究,使油品的润滑性能达到极致,使燃油得到充分彻底燃烧,从而实现了0排放,0污染,0磨损(经中华人民共和国公证处公证,公证号66716)—成为世界第一绿色环保润滑油品牌。 随着汽车工业的飞速发展,汽车新技术的不断提高,为了满足各大汽车厂商对润滑油较高的要求。我公司与全球历史最久、规模最大、产品最全、技术超前、生产设备最先进的德国SRS石化公司深入合作。按照国际标准,共同研制新型环保润滑油,产品采用独有的高智能复合添加剂和抗磨因子技术,具有良好的抗磨、抗氧、低碳、节能、环保及优异的高低温粘度稳定性能,使发动机性能发挥极致,延长使用寿命。赢得全球汽车制造商、汽车维修站、公交公司、出租车公司、赛车爱好者、铁路、军工、航天、航海、工矿企业等行业的青睐和首选。 质量是我们的生命,诚信是我们的灵魂,服务是我们的根本,为客户创造价值是我们永恒的追求! Business enterprise brief introduction Fix to maintain profession quickly to have a preface development efficiently for the sake of the car, the company creates "the car fix to maintain system quickly- brand alliances" with all strength, " brand alliances” gather together numerous profession elites, drawing lessons from to absorb an Euro-American and flourishing nation to maintain car to fix knowledge quickly, combining Chinese state of the nation, developing a set of profession a valid management system especially, making that profession more scale, efficiently, have a preface, unify of development. We standardize to make to order: Family brand, unify image, unify management and interact to train. Matching benefit science and technology persistence takes customer as center, taking market as to lead to, taking technique as motive, treating quality as life Take orders the principle of management of” make people the center, with establish a career, cooperate a total benefit and offer truly society", combine talented person's advantage of Chinese localization, with internationalization of forerunner management principle, keep on to provide diversified development space for the employee, provide a high-quality product for the consumer continuously, conduct and actions expand the emollient guarantee of market, each stages which insure "GHFO" brands to get into a market can reply from such as, outshine others in the vehemence of the market the competition, make greatest efforts to create"GHFO" become a car to maintain to fix the top-grade brand in the realm quickly! Match benefit science and technology, the enthusiasm welcomes you to join "brand alliances”. With the rapid development of automobile industry, automotive technology continues to improve, the major auto manufacturers to meet higher oil demand. My company and the world's oldest, largest, most comprehensive, advanced technology, production equipment, the most advanced German petrochemical company SRS-depth cooperation. Accordance with international standards, to jointly develop new environmentally friendly lubricant, the product uses a unique anti-wear additives and high-factor smart composite technology, with good anti-wear, oxidation, low-carbon, energy saving, environmental protection, and excellent high-temperature viscosity stability performance, the engine performance to extreme, extended service life. Win the global automotive manufacturers, automotive service stations, bus companies, taxi companies, car enthusiasts, railway, military, aerospace, marine, industrial and mining enterprises and other industries favored and preferred. Quality is our life, integrity is our soul, our service is fundamental to create value for our customers is our eternal pursuit! |