加工定制: | 是 |
纸张类型: | 普通压光 |
纸张品种: | 特号 |
纸张表面施胶: | 双面施胶 |
包装形式: | 平板装 |
平板装规格: | 787*1092 |

上海晨兴印刷有限公司(前身上海三普商贸有限公司)成立于94年7月,从事印刷行业19余年,前期从事包装印刷,近几年除了部分样本、DM、贺卡等商务印刷外,主要为出口企业生产说明书、纸品设计印刷、菜谱设计制作、大幅面打印、X展架 易拉宝、相册制作等产品专业生产加工单位,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。
电话:56650749 65065076
Shanghai Sunrise Printing Co., Ltd. (formerly Shanghai three Cape Trading Company) was established in July 2005, engaged in the printing industry, 19 years, pre-engaged in packaging printing, in recent years, in addition to some of the samples, DM, greeting cards and other commercial printing, mainly for the export production specification, design and printing paper products, recipes designed, large format printing, X banner stand roll up, album production and other professional production and processing units, has a complete and scientific quality management system.