上海丽昻实业有限公司主要从事以涤纶,尼龙,EVA, ABS, ABS+PC为材料的箱包、背包、公文包、电脑包,拉杆箱,化妆箱及劳动保护用品等的生产与销售。我们始终以为客户提供优质的产品为宗旨,为客户提供良好的服务为己任,公司稳步发展。产品远销日本、欧洲、美国、香港、台湾、南美等国家和地区。我们以完善的品质管理系统和高素质的产品,深获客户好评。并与众多客户建立了长期、稳定的合作伙伴关系。公司以“专业、诚信、务实、创新”为经营管理理念,以客人的需求为导向,以客人满意为目标,向客人提供最优质的产品和服务。无论是100只还是一只产品,我们都为您服务。 Our company engaged in mainly manufacturing and selling travel luggage,backpacks,briefcases and computer bags made of Polyestyer,ABS,ABS+PC,EVA etc.We insisted on offering the best products and service to our customers.Our products has already made the market in Japan,Europe,the USA,Hong Kong,Taiwan,South American and other of countries and areas all over the world.We win a very good reputation among our customes relying on our perfect quality management system and perfect quality product,have set up long-term and stable partnership with number of customers as wel.
EMAIL:baggager@126.com MSN: baggager@hotmail.com mobile: 13601990869
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