逻辑分析仪 示波器 HP 1660AS 系列
HP 1661AS/1662AS/1663AS
示波器指标: 双通道、250MHz带宽、采样率1GSa/s
逻辑分析仪指标: 100MHz状态分析,500MHz定时分析、68通道,存储深度每通道4K
Performance Characteristics
- Maximum Conventional Timing Rate 250 MHz
- Maximum Conventional Timing Rate(half ch) 500 MHz
- Maximum Transitional Timing Rate 125 MHz
- Maximum Transitional Timing Rate(Half ch 250 MHz
- Maximum Glitch Timing Rate 125 MHz
- Memory Depth/Channel-Normal 4 KB
- Memory/Channel Half-Channel Mode 8 KB
- Maximum State Analysis Rate 100 MHz
- Setup/Hold Time 4.5 ns
- Maximum Trigger Sequence Levels 12 Levels
- Maximum Trigger Sequencing Rate 125 MHz
- No. of Pattern Recognizers 10 QTY
- No. of Range Recognizers 2 QTY
- No. of Counter Timers 2 QTY
- Input Impedance 100 kOhm
- Input Capacitance 8 pF
- No. of Scope Channels 2 ch
- Bandwidth 250 MHz
- Simultaneous Maximum Sampling Rate/ch 1 GSa/s
- Max. Record Length 8000 pt/sec
- User Interface Proprietary
- Ports to Peripheral Devices HPIB,RS232
- Data Storage Type FDD,HDD