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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 供应PP-4300手持式电能质量分析仪
产 品: 供应PP-4300手持式电能质量分析仪 
品 牌: Dranetz BMI 
单 价: 面议 
最小起订量: 1 台 
供货总量: 2 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
更新日期: 2025-03-13  有效期至:长期有效


Power Platform PP-4300

厂家:Dranetz BMI

Power Platform PP-4300 With four differential voltage channels and four independent current channels, the award-winning Power Platform?measures, analyzes and records power quality, harmonics and energy data simultaneously and continuously. Unique to the PP4300 are interchangeable TASKCards that expand the capabilities of the instrument within the same mainframe. TASKCards can transform the PP4300 from a single-phase troubleshooting tool into a full three-phase instrument for advanced power quality management or specific analysis such as inrush or fault recording.

  • Available as single-phase or three-phase instrument
  • Eight channels, 4 voltage and 4 current
  • Weighs less than 4 pounds
  • Rugged rubber boot
  • Easy Start?for automated setups
  • Battery or AC mode
  • 4 operating modes: scope mode, meter mode, event recorder, time plot
  • 1uS transient capture with peak detection technology
  • Harmonic analysis to the 50th with bar graph and text table
  • Independent voltage and current triggering
  • Optional RS-232 interface
  • Built in UPS battery with external charger
  • Dran-View?enabled
  • Expanded memory up to 128 MB

Modes of Operation

  • Scope Mode Allows real-time viewing of voltage and current waveforms and phasor diagrams.
  • Meter Mode Second-by-second measurements of up to 16 parameters such as volts, amps, watts, VA, VAR, power factor, frequency, voltage unbalance, V&I total harmonic distortio, current crest factor, K factor, demand, energy, and nth harmonics.
  • Event Recorder View recorded event data including waveforms to determine the source of problems. Capture critical data in unique configurations including event data by event; worst case or activity report; actual captured voltage and current waveforms, and power qualtiy events clasified to the IEEE 1159 standard for voltage disturbance. Limist and thresholds can be easily set to match equipment
  • Time Plot Graph up to 16 different parameters and 8 individual channels o identify abnormalities before they become problems. Link to event reports for textual and waveform details. Zoom capabilities allow display of detail to 0.1 sec/div.


Voltage Measurements

  • 4 fully differentiated channels
  • 100-600Vrms; user selected 0.5-20Vrms on one channel
  • Accuracy: ±1% reading ± 0.05% full scale

Voltage Transients

  • 50-1000Vpk; user selected
  • 1-30Vpk on one channel
  • 1 microsecond minimum duration
  • Accuracy: ±10% reading ± 1% full scale(requires TaskCard PQLite)

Current Measurement

  • 4 fully independent current channels
  • 10 - 200% of full-scale current probe rating
  • Accuracy: reading 05% full scale
  • (at fundamental, plus current probe accuracy)

Current Transients

  • 10-300% CT full scale except Chan D 2-200% CT full scale
  • 1 microsecond minimum duration
  • Accuracy: reading full scale plus probe
  • NOTE: Requires TASKCard PQLite H-T, PQLite H-T-M or H-T-E-M


  • Fundamental range 35 - 60 Hz(For frequencies outside the 50-60Hz range, contact the factory before ordering)Accuracy.2% of reading

Update Rates

  • All parameters updated once per second(Harmonic-based parameters updated every 5 seconds)
  • Environment -41 to 113
  • +5 to +45
  • Humidity 10% - 90% non-condensing


  • 2 hours operation
  • 3 hours full recharge
  • (continuous operation from battery eliminator)
  • Certifications CE, FCC, ISO-9001

Typical Applications


Put the 4300 to work immediately diagnosing power-related equipment problems. Featuring easy set up and operation, the 4300 is a versatile tool for identifying and locating disturbances, determining their causes, and providing the critical data eeded to respond quickly and efficiently.

Preventative Maintenance

The 4300 is the only handheld instrument that independently triggers on voltage transients and RMS variations. The 43000 built-in ability to simultaneously capture harmonic disturbances and power flow enables monitoring for up to 16 parameters including V, I, W, VA, VAR, power factor, demand, and energy.

Proactive Planning

The 4300 enables users to anticipate and address power quality ipacts from process changes, fluctuating demand, or the installation of new equipment and facilities. Users can add or balance loads, verify eqipment performance, or determine the need and effectiveness of mitigation systems.

Financial Managment

Obtain the data to manage power systems, from accurate cost allocation to energy contract compliance, evaluation of alternative rate structures, and determination of damand during different process cycles.

