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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 供应鞋业放版算料软件(打样机、切割机、介稿机)
产 品: 供应鞋业放版算料软件(打样机、切割机、介稿机) 
单 价: 面议 
供货总量: 100
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
更新日期: 2013-05-24  有效期至:长期有效
品牌:天弋 软件名称:鞋业算料软件 版本类型:标准版
版本语言:简体中文版 软件类型:制鞋业软件 版本号:10.09
系统平台要求:windowsXP 系统硬件要求:电脑, USB 版权:鸿佰成
配套附件:加密狗 技术支持:鸿佰成




  鞋业排刀算料系统通过在计算机中精确模拟每个部位的裁断过程得到算料报表和裁断排刀指导图,将这些报表综合用于指导采购和裁断下料管理,  能提高平均5%以上的材料使用率,为企业创造新的利润增长点。
  材料核算和成本控制的关键环节在于控制裁断下料生产中的浪费和补料。系统提供的裁断下料指导图和相应的核查报表,能及时发现并弥补由于皮  料问题或裁断下料员的人为失误造成的浪费,有效控制补料,使裁断下料作业管理更加严格和透明,从而大大提升裁断下料管理的执行力度,真正  做到精确核算后刀下留钱。
  软件通过全自动智能排刀,可自动精确计算出该订单中每个部位和材料的用量,为采购部门提供详尽的用量报表,实现物料的精确订购,有效控制  物料发放,从而降低材料采购和库存成本。
  一个会电脑操作的员工,只需一天的学习就可以完全独立作业。产生的所有数据和图形报表均可一目了然,企业不需要进行作保流程改造和设备升  级,随时可完全将软件用于实际生产,适用于各种鞋型作业,完全符合制鞋企业简单、实用的作业特点和要求。
  软件通过各号码全自排刀、右侧自动插刀、局部不同刀距自动控制、组合排刀、梯形排刀等多种排刀方案,在计算机中模拟每个分片的裁断状况并  得到最优化的排刀图,自动计算每个部位的各个号码所需材料的单位用量和总用量。
  软件总结了100多家大中型鞋厂的真皮算料经验,得到五种最实用的真皮自动算料方案,分别是纯面积法、最小矩形法、框选累计法、真皮模拟法、  最小办廓法。用户可仍选一种或多种方案进行算料,大大节省人工算料时间。
  用户只需将鞋片通过普通扫描入电脑,软件就可以把它们自动矢量化成可供自动排料的图形数据。如果用户有鞋片的级放扩缩数据,则可以不用再  扫描鞋片,软件可以自动读取任意级放扩缩软件产生的标准化图形数据,节省扫描时间。
  软件提供了用于材料采购所需的全部算料报表,可根据材料、部位、号码分别统计用料信息为采购和发料提供详尽参考。软件提供了反映裁断下产  管理思想的各分片裁断下料示意表,该表不仅提供了该片裁断下料时的刀模排列图,还提供了鞋型名称、订单号、单位用量、单位预斩、材料名称  ,材料长度宽度、裁断下料层数、裁断下料刀距,裁断下料方向性、横刀纵刀数、裁断下料注意事项等多种管理信息,为裁断下料管理作业提    标准、透明的管理方式。软件提供了裁断下料稽查表,该表根据员工实斩结果和电脑预斩要求,自动计算员工相对电脑要求的达成率,为管理者考  核员工裁断下料业绩提供清晰的参考。软件提供的所有报表均可自动转入OFFICE办公系统进行其他处理。
  软件中可以对材料裁向、尺寸和进料方式(例如卷和张)、裁断下料层数任意设定。可以对分片的裁断下料刀距任意设定(例子如某些分片的部分  边缘裁断下料时要求较低,可以不设刀距,但其他边缘要求较高,需要设定一定的刀距)。可以将同一鞋型的不同订单算料数据进行分开或累计。  打印裁断下料示意图时可以进行按部位或号码排列,也可以选择排列图是否打印。可以设定排时是否插刀,插刀的具体要求。可以选择排料的方向  ,排料时各部位的所有号码是否采用统一方案。可以根据某个号码估算全部号码用量。总之,这些设定汇集了各工厂的生产经验精华,实现最大可  能的节省物料的目标,并在不同程序、不同方面辅助提高裁断下料的生产效率


鞋业排刀算料系统– Ver 7.8

HongBaiCheng  Footwear Blade Nesting and reckoning System – Version 7.8



Optimal solutions for rational material saving in the shoemaking industry


算料系统 应用卓越成效

Excellent application performance in the reckoning system



* The nesting and reckoning software is used to improve the utilization of materials by 5%, thus saving a remarkable costs and to create new profit growth points for enterprises.



* It provides rigorous and clear management flows for the cutting and feeding operation to effectively control waste of cut materials and supplement to materials and to greatly improve the execution of cutting and feeding control on the basis of accurate accounting in a real sense.



* It can perform accurate reckoning for ordering materials, accurately estimating costs and reducing purchase of materials and inventory costs.



* It saves time, shortens purchase of materials and operation flows in cutting and feeding operations.



* It effectively controls outsourcing, dispatch of and supplement to materials



Simple operation, efficiency and utility



Any employee in reckoning materials knowing computer operation can learn how to operate in several hours. All data and graphic statements for production are very clear completely conforming to the simple and actual operation characteristics and requirements in shoemaking enterprises.


The information on shoe sheet patterns is convenient and quick in entries.



All the user does is enter the silica chips by common scanning operation, and the software will be able to perform automatic vector application for them and makes graphic patterns for automatic supply of materials. If a customer has data on shoe sample boom classification, then it will be unnecessary to scan shoe sheets. The software can automatically read standard graphic data any classified boom software to be manufactured so as to save scanning duration.



Fully automatic intelligent optimal nesting and reckoning of materials for non-genuine materials



The software performs fully automatic nesting for this number, automatic insertion of blades on the right side, automatic control of different local cutter distances, combined alignment of cutters, trapezoid alignment of cutters and other cutter alignment solutions. In computers the cutting conditions of every sheet are simulated with optimal cutter alignment charts so that the quantity and total consumption per unit required for materials by each number will be automatically calculated.



Actualization solutions of the most utility value to genuine leather semi-automatic discharge of materials and automatic reckoning of materials



There is pure parallelogram area method, minimum rectangle method, same material and multiple chips parallelogram method, genuine analog method, minimum contour method, etc. The user can choose any of the solutions for nesting to save manual nesting duration.



Concise, practical and detailed statements of nesting of materials



The software provides statements on all reckoning of materials required by the purchase of materials, and statistic information can be made on the basis of materials, positions and numbers for the detailed reference for purchase and distribution of materials. The software also provides sketch maps of cutting and feeding of materials for each sub pieces representing the management philosophy of cutting and feeding of materials. This statement not only provides the chart of the arrangement of cutter molds in the time of cutting and feeding of materials, but also it provides multiple pieces of information on names of shoes, numbers of orders, pre-cutting per unit, consumption per unit, names of materials, length and width of materials, layers of cutting and feeding, distances between cutters in cutting and feeding of materials, directions of cutting and feeding of materials, numbers of horizontal and vertical cuts and cautions in cutting and feeding of materials, etc, which provide standard and open management approach to the cutting and feeding control operations. The software provides checklists for cutting and feeding of materials. The statement is subject to the results of actual cutting by employees and pre-cutting requirements by computers to automatically calculate the achievement rates by the employees compared to the computer requirements so that it provides the managers with clear reference for the cutting and feeding performance on the part of the employees. All statements provided by the software can be automatically converted into office systems for other disposition.



