产品简介Product Introduction
→ 广泛应用于户外通讯机柜、电池柜、电气柜、工业控制柜、医疗、军用等
This series product can be widely deployed for enclosed area climate control such
like wireless communication cabinet, battery cabinet, Industry control cabinet,
medicine equipment, military equipment etc.
→ 内、外循环IP56防护等级,防尘、防水,可完全安装于室
The internal and external interface of product is IP 56 level protected to avoid
moisture, dust, water penetrating Into Inside of enclosure. Inside electronics
equipment Is completely well protected.
→ 适合恶劣环境工况,- 40 ~ 60 °C环境下可不间断运行
Applicable for severe ambient environment ( -40 ~ 60 degree ), such like high
temperature, high humidity, high corrosion atmosphere.
设计专长Product Design Feature
→ 精确控温功能±0.5度Inside temperature can be precisely controlled by PWM
regulation control method,precision:±0.5 degree
→ 电子冷却方式,COP值高达0.8 Thermoelectronic (Petier effect) cooling
method, no compressor, no refrigerant, no moving parts, higher efficiency up to 0.8
→ 安全认证和多重保护功能Safety certification:UL, CE, CCC ,TUV
→ 长寿命设计达10年Product lifetime : 10 years