广州易携展示器材有限公司是专业从事展示器材研发生产、销售、特装展示工程,广告设计和喷绘写真于一体的综合性企业。本公司主要产品有:拉网;易拉宝;X展架;水座挂画架;滚动屏;资料架;促销台;海报架;吸塑灯箱;超薄灯箱等。这些产品便于携带,易于安装,是展示公司形象的理想工具。我公司拥有占地三千多平方米的生产厂房,具备高素质专业级产品的生产能力。器材研发部门,与全球展示时尚同步,保证了创新设计、引领时尚的能力。我司尖端的电脑系统,高素质的设计师,将为您提供多元化的专业服务。Company profileGuangzhou Easy Equipment & Material CO.LTD is a comprehensive enterprise. It is specializing in researching, production, sales and assembling special display engineer, advertisement design, painting and photography.Our enterprise manufactures the main products as following: Pop Up Series; Rolla Up Series; X Banner Series; Handing Rack with water Stand Series; Banner Roll Series; Brochure Stand Series; Promotion Desk Series; PVC Plastic Light Box; Super Thin Light Box. All the products are easy to carry... [