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  • 联系人:刘炳松
  • 电话:086 21 60899686-1
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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 温控器输出4-20ma/0-5V/0-10V1-5V/标准电流电压信号温度校验仪表
产 品: 温控器输出4-20ma/0-5V/0-10V1-5V/标准电流电压信号温度校验仪表 
型 号: FB100 
品 牌: RKC/理化 
单 价: 660.00元/台 
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
更新日期: 2013-06-24  有效期至:长期有效
  即时询单  立即购买  加入购物车
型号: FB100 测温精度: 1
品牌: RKC/理化 测温分辨率: 0.1
加工定制: 外形尺寸: 1(mm)
测量范围: -200-+1800(℃)
Measuring accuracy
ThermocoupleType : K, J, T, E, PLII, U, L
Less than -100°C (-148°F) : ±1.0°C (±1.8°F)
-100 to +500°C (-148 to 932°F) : ±0.5°C (±0.9°F)
More than 500°C (932°F): ±(0.1% of reading + 1 digit)
?z? ?C?g?‰?C?“
Type : N, S, R, W5Re/W26Re
Less than 0°C (32°F) : ±2.0°C (±3.6°F)
0 to 1000°C (32 to 1832°F) : ±1.0°C (±1.8°F)
More than 1000°C (1832°F): ±(0.1% of reading + 1 digit)
?z? ?C?g?‰?C?“
Type : B
Less than 400°C (752°F) : ±70.0°C (±126°F)
400 to 1000°C (752 to 1832°F) : ±(1.4°C + 1digit) [±(2.5°F + 1digit)]
More than 1000°C (1832°F): ±(0.1% of reading + 1 digit)
?z? ?C?g?‰?C?“
Cold junction temperature compensation error
±1.0°C (1.8°F) [Between 5 and 40°C (41 and 104°F)]
±1.5°C (2.7°F) [Between -10 and 5°C (16 and 41°F), and 40 and 50°C (104 and 122°F)]
?z? ?C?g?‰?C?“
RTDLess than 200°C (392°F): ±0.2°C (±0.4°F)
More than 200°F(392°F) : ±(0.1% of reading + 1 digit)
?z? ?C?g?‰?C?“
DC voltage and DC current
±(0.1% of span)

Selectable sampling time among 50ms, 100ms, and 250ms.
Selectable sampling time makes the FB Series suitable for any application ranging from pressure control requiring fast response to precise control requiring highest resolution. The selections are 100ms (factory setting) usually suitable for most of standard applications, 50ms for fast response applications, and 250ms for precise control requiring high-resolution. The PID parameters can be set in 1/10 unit which supports fast and accurate control. Ramp-to-setpoint and output-change-limiter functions are each settable for UP and DOWN so that a special heater can be controlled precisely.

250ms sampling controller50ms sampling controller
250ms sampling controller explanation drawing50ms sampling controller explanation drawing

Selectable PID control algorithm
PID control algorithm is selectable in the FB Series to achieve the most precise control for various applications.
PV Derivative PID : suitable for fixed setpoint control (Factory setting)
Deviation Derivative PID : suitable for ramp control using ramp-to-setpoint function and cascade control.

PV derivative type PID controlDeviation derivative type PID control
Most adaptive to conventional fixed value controlMost adaptive to conventional fixed value control
PV derivative type PID control explanation drawingDeviation derivative type PID control explanation drawing

Advanced Heat/Cool PID algorithm with Undershoot Suppression
Advanced Heat/Cool PID algorithm achieves stable control by the Undershoot Suppression (USS) function, and independent P-I-D settings for both Heat and Cool which are effective for applications with strong cooling gain. Control Response type selection is settable to avoid overshoot at start-up and against external disturbance. The FB Series also offers selection of water cool and air cool PID control algorithm.

Control response parameterUSS (Under Shoot Suppression) gain
Control response parameter explanation drawingUSS (Under Shoot Suppression) gain explanation drawing

Blue line
Blue MarkGo to FB100 top pageFB100 high performance controller
Red MarkEasy maintenance Plug-in
Red Mark
Panel space saving 74mm depthECO mark
Red MarkNumerous inputs and outputs
Red MarkInter-controller Communication
Blue Mark
Blue MarkAuto-temperature-rize with Learning Function
Blue Mark
Blue MarkTemperature Ratio Setting
Blue Mark
Blue MarkCascade Control
Blue Mark
Blue MarkGroup RUN/STOP Function
Red MarkRecipe Function (Multi-memory Area)
Red MarkRamp/Sork Program Control
Red Mark
Startup tuningECO mark
Red MarkEasy parameter setup via USB loader port
Blue line