我厂是专业生产冲压件、冲压模具的专业生产厂,技术雄厚生产能力强,能为客户设计、生产各类零部件;汽车、电器、游戏机配件;电动车单向器和单向轴承;各类冲压套圈、滚针轴承保持架组滚针轴承、向心轴承。为机械、汽车、摩托车、电动工具、纺织机械、印刷机等各类机械的转动、单向转动配套。 本厂按照国际和国内的产品技术标准和完善的检测手段,热忱为广大用户设计特殊规格的各类轴承。本着以质量第一、交货及时、价格合理、服务周到的原则,欢迎广大客户光临。 Changzhou HongBin Molds and Tools Factory is a professional producer and designer of automotive parts, electrical components and parts, isolators and one-way bearings of electrical bicycles, punched set rings, needle bearing retainers, needle bearings and radial bearings dedicated to automobiles, motorcycles, electrical tools, textile machinery and printing machinery. Custom designs available. Changzhou Wujin Hutang Chengzhong Electrical Apparatus Mould Factory is committed to providing customers with quality products, perfect service and fast delivery at competitive pricing. Contact us today!