厂家(产地): | 韩国锦湖 |
牌号: | HAM8560-BK |
类型: | 标准料 |
销售热线:0769-87192815 手机:15362018465 QQ:414461784 联系人:李小姐。欢迎来电咨询,谢谢
ABS/PMMA 合金是一类性能优异的材料,它保留了ABS良好的加工性、韧性,同时兼具PMMA优异的耐候性、表面硬度、光泽性等优点,使得 PMMA/ABS合金具有比ABS好的多的耐候性、耐刮擦
性和光泽。产品广泛运用于用于要求外观亮丽的各种电器、电子及杂货类配件,特别是液晶电视等大型家电,实现了高光泽,免喷涂化。 特性及主要用途: 等级 特 性 用 途
ABS722 高光泽,高冲击、耐刮擦 复杂制件、薄壁制品、小家电产品,如电话机, 音响等
(HAM8521 韩国锦湖 )高光泽,高流动,耐刮擦 复杂制件、薄壁制品、小家电产品,如电话机, 音响等
(HAM8541F 韩国锦湖 )高光泽,高流动,优异的耐刮擦性能 家电如:液晶电视,显示器,等离子电视外壳,底座/DVD音响外壳
(HAM8541 韩国锦湖 )超高光泽、耐刮擦 家电等产品,如:液晶电视,显示器,等离子电视外壳、底座/DVD音响外壳.特别适合炫黑系列产品
(HAM8560 韩国锦湖 )超高光泽、优异的耐刮擦性能 家电等产品,如:液晶电视,显示器,等离子电视外壳,底座/DVD音响 外壳特别适合RHCM方法
(HAM8560-BK 韩国锦湖 )黑色
ABS/PMMA 合金具有超高光泽,表面硬度高,耐划伤性能好,耐候性能优异等特点,从而实现了免喷涂的目的,产
High gloss, High impact,
Complex part, thin layer part ,small appliance as telephone,
复杂制件、薄壁制品、小家电产品,如电话机, 音响等
High gloss, High flow,
Complex part, thin layer part ,small appliance as telephone,
复杂制件、薄壁制品、小家电产品,如电话机, 音响等
High gloss, High flow, Good
PDP, LCD TV Decoration, stand & Back cover /DVD housing
Super gloss, Anti-Scratch
PDP, LCD TV Decoration, stand & Back cover /DVD housing
Especially suitable for black colors
Super gloss, Good anti-Scratch
PDP, LCD TV Decoration, stand & Back cover /DVD housing
Especially suitable for Rapid Heat Cycle Molding
纸醉金迷 11:59:54
Item项目Unit ABS722 HAM8521 HAM8541F HAM8541 HAM8560
Drying Temperature
℃ 85-95 85-95 85-95 85-95 85-95
Drying Time干燥时间h 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4
Mould Temperature模温℃ 60-110 60-110 60-110 60-110 60-110
Molding Temperature
℃ 200-240 200-240 200-240 200-240 200-240
Note:1) These are typical property values, not specifications. 上述数据为实验典型值,不作为正式质保承诺
2) In case of colored products, the values could vary slightly by color.颜色产品的数据会因颜色略有变化
3) values are measured at 23℃ and in RH of 50% on injection molded specimens. 上述数据是用注塑样条在
Item项目Unit ABS722 HAM8521 HAM8541F HAM8541 HAM8560
Drying Temperature
℃ 85-95 85-95 85-95 85-95 85-95
Drying Time干燥时间h 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4
Mould Temperature模温℃ 60-110 60-110 60-110 60-110 60-110
Molding Temperature
℃ 200-240 200-240 200-240 200-240 200-240
ABS722 HAM8521
HAM8541 HAM8560
Tensile Strength拉伸
D638 MPa 52 50 55 58 50
Tensile Elongation
D638 % 15 20 18 20 16
Flexural Strength弯曲
D790 Mpa 70 65 75 75 70
Flexural Modulus弯曲
D790 Mpa 2300 2200 2450 2450 2400
IZOD Impact Strength
J/m 140 120 120 100 100
Heat Deflection Temp.
D648 1.82Mpa ℃ 86 85 85 85 84
VICAT维卡软化点D1525 B ℃ 96 96 95 95 94
Melt Index熔融指数D1238
g/10min 25 30 22 15 8
Gloss 光泽度D523 60° % 94 94 95 97 96
Pencil Hardness 铅笔
JIS K5401 500g Class F F 2H H+ 2H
Pencil Hardness 铅笔
JIS K5401 750g Class F F H H H
Rockwell Hardness洛氏
D785 R 115 114 118 117 117
Density密度D792 g/cm3 1.10 1.10 1.11 1.11 1.11
Molding Shrinkage
D955 % 0.4-0.7 0.4-0.7 0.4-0.7 0.4-0.7 0.4-0.7
ABS/PMMA合金是一类性能优异的材料,它保留了ABS良好的加工性、韧性,同时兼具PMMA优异的耐候性、表面硬度、光泽性等优点,使得 PMMA/ABS合金具有比ABS好的多的耐候性、耐刮擦性
和光泽。产品广泛运用于用于要求外观亮丽的各种电器、电子及杂货类配件,特别是液晶电视等大型家电,实现了高光泽,免喷涂化。 特性及主要用途: 等级 特 性 用 途
ABS722 高光泽,高冲击、耐刮擦 复杂制件、薄壁制品、小家电产品,如电话机, 音响等
HAM8521 高光泽,高流动,耐刮擦 复杂制件、薄壁制品、小家电产品,如电话机, 音响等
HAM8541F 高光泽,高流动,优异的耐刮擦性能 家电如:液晶电视,显示器,等离子电视外壳,底座/DVD音响外壳
633 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Molded
634 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Heat Resistant, Molded
635 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Impact Grade, Molded
636 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Transparent, Molded
637 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Extruded
638 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Plating Grade
639 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Unreinforced, Flame Retardant
640 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Glass Fiber Filled, Flame Retardant
641 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), 10% Glass Fiber Filled
642 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), 20% Glass Fiber Filled
643 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), 30% Glass Fiber Filled
644 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), 40% Glass Fiber Filled
645 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), 10% Carbon Fiber Filled
646 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), 20% Carbon Fiber Filled
647 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), 30% Carbon Fiber Filled
648 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), 40% Carbon Fiber Filled
649 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), PTFE Filled
650 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Stainless Steel Fiber Filled
651 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Carbon Black Filled
652 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), NCG Fiber Filled
653 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Sheet
654 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)/Nylon Blend
655 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)/Nylon Blend, Glass Reinforced
656 Overview - Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)/Polysulfone Alloy
657 Overview - Polycarbonate/ABS Alloy, Unreinforced
658 Overview - Polycarbonate/ABS Alloy, Glass Fiber Filled
659 Overview - Polycarbonate/ABS Alloy, Carbon Fiber Filled
660 Overview - Polycarbonate/ABS Alloy, NCG Fiber Filled
661 Overview - Polycarbonate/ABS Alloy, Antistat/Conductive
662 Overview - ABS/PVC Alloy
663 Overview - ABS/Polyurethane Alloy
664 Phillips Sumika Marlex® CHP-261 Polypropylene Compound, Engineered TPO, PC/ABS substitute
665 Bapolan® Grade ABS8430 ABS Polymer, Extrusion/Injection Grade
666 Ebbtide Polymers 900 Transparent ABS
667 Ebbtide Polymers 920 Transparent ABS
668 Ebbtide Polymers 972 Transparent ABS, Food Contact Grade
669 Ebbtide Polymers 982-X01 Transparent ABS, Flame Retardant
670 Ebbtide Polymers CS10 Transparent ABS, Chemical Resistance Grade
671 Ebbtide Polymers YK02 Transparent ABS, Anti-static Grade
672 Trilac® ABS-EX1000 High Impact Extrusion Grade ABS Resin
673 Trilac® ABS-FR1 Flame Retardant ABS Resin
674 Trilac® ABS-GF3000-BK 30% Fiberglass Black ABS Resin
675 Trilac® ABS-HF5500 High Flow ABS Resin
676 Trilac® ABS-HH2000 High Impact ABS Resin
677 Trilac® ABS-HH2350 High Heat ABS
678 Trilac® ABS-HH2500 Super High Heat ABS Resin
679 Trilac® ABS-HS4000 General Purpose ABS Resin
680 Trilac® ABS-HS5500 High Impact ABS Resin
681 Trilac® ABS-HS6500 High Impact ABS Resin
682 Trilac® ABS-HS7500 High Impact ABS Resin
683 Trilac® ABS-MP1000 Metal Plating Grade ABS Resin
684 Trilac® ABS-RC3000 Recycled Black ABS Resin
685 Trilac® ABS-ABS-CT0510T Transparent ABS
686 PTS PCA-1010HF High Flow Polycarbonate/ABS Alloy
687 PTS PCA-1011 High Impact Polycarbonate/ABS Alloy
688 PTS PCA-1012 High Impact Polycarbonate/ABS Alloy
689 PTS PCA-2008 Flame Retardant PC/ABS Alloy
690 PTS PCA-2010 Flame Retardant PC/ABS Alloy
691 PTS PCA-FR Eco-Friendly, High Flow, Flame Retardant PC/ABS Alloy
692 Starex® SD-0150 ABS, Unreinforced
693 Starex® SD-0160 ABS, Unreinforced
694 Starex® VH-0800 ABS, Unreinforced
695 Starex® VH-0850 ABS, Unreinforced
696 Ineos Barex® 210 E Acrylonitrile-Methyl Acrylate Copolymer
697 Ineos Barex® 218 E Acrylonitrile-Methyl Acrylate Copolymer
698 ABW Plastics ABS 55 Pellets, Extrusion Grade
699 ABW Plastics ABS 55 Pellets, Injection Grade
700 ABW Plastics ABS 510 B, PC/ABS Alloy, Black
701 ABW Plastics ABS 510 G, PC/ABS Alloy, Grey
702 ABW Plastics ABS 1010 B, PC/ABS Alloy, Black
703 ABW Plastics ABS 1010 G, PC/ABS Alloy, Grey
704 Aclo Accucomp ABS ABS802L High Impact Grade
705 Aclo Accucomp ABS ABS804L High Impact Grade
706 Aclo Accucomp ABS ABS812L High Impact Grade
707 Aclo Accucomp ABS ABS801L Medium Impact Grade
708 Aclo Accucomp ABS ABS803L Medium Impact Grade
709 Aclo Accucomp ABS ABS810L Medium Impact Grade
710 Aclo Accucomp ABS ABS811L Medium Impact Grade
711 Aclo Accucomp ABS ABS809SL Extrusion Grade
712 Aclo Accucomp ABS ABS856BL High Flow Medium Impact Grade
713 Aclo Accucomp ABS ABS846HL High Flow Medium Impact Grade
714 Aclo Accucomp ABS ABS881L Clear Grade
715 Aclo Accucomp ABS ABS827L Electroplating Grade
716 Aclo Accucomp ABS ABS892BL High Heat Grade
717 Aclo Accucomp ABS ABS892DL High Heat Grade
718 Aclo Accucomp ABS ABS892EL High Heat Grade
719 Aclo Accucomp ABS ABS801V Automotive Approved Grade
720 Aclo Accutech ABS ABS831G10L Glass Reinforced
721 Aclo Accutech ABS ABS831G20L Glass Reinforced
722 Aclo Accutech ABS ABS831G30L Glass Reinforced
723 Aclo Accutech ABS ABS831G40L Glass Reinforced
724 Aclo Accutech ABS ABS832G10L Glass Reinforced
725 Aclo Accutech ABS ABS832G20L Glass Reinforced
726 Aclo Accutech ABS ABS832G30L Glass Reinforced
727 Aclo Accutech ABS ABS832G40L Glass Reinforced
728 Aclo Accutech ABS ABS833G10L Glass Reinforced
729 Aclo Accutech ABS ABS833G20L Glass Reinforced
730 Aclo Accutech ABS ABS833G30L Glass Reinforced
731 Aclo Accutech ABS ABS833G40L Glass Reinforced
732 Aclo Accutech ABS ABS834G10L Glass Reinforced
733 Aclo Accutech ABS ABS834G20L Glass Reinforced
734 Aclo Accutech ABS ABS834G30L Glass Reinforced
735 Aclo Accutech ABS ABS834G40L Glass Reinforced
736 Aclo Accuguard ABS ABS860V0L Flame Retardant
737 Aclo Acculoy PCA083L Polycarbonate ABS Alloy
738 Aclo Accutech ABS ABS892EV High Heat Grade
739 BASF Terblend N NG-02 ABS + Nylon 6, 8% Glass Filled (Conditioned)
740 BASF Terblend N NG-02 ABS + Nylon 6, 8% Glass Filled (DAM)
741 BASF Terblend N NG-04 ABS + Nylon 6, 20% Glass Filled (Conditioned)
742 BASF Terblend N NG-04 ABS + Nylon 6, 20% Glass Filled (DAM)
743 BASF Terblend N NG-06 ABS + Nylon 6, 30% Glass Filled (Conditioned)
744 BASF Terblend N NG-06 ABS + Nylon 6, 30% Glass Filled (DAM)
745 BASF Terblend N NM-11 ABS + Nylon 6 (Conditioned)
746 BASF Terblend N NM-11 ABS + Nylon 6 (DAM)
747 BASF Terblend N NM-12 ABS + Nylon 6 (Conditioned)
748 BASF Terblend N NM-12 ABS + Nylon 6 (DAM)
749 BASF Terblend N NM-13 ABS + Nylon 6 (Conditioned)
750 BASF Terblend N NM-13 ABS + Nylon 6 (DAM)
751 BASF Terblend N NM-19 ABS + Nylon 6 (Conditioned)
752 BASF Terblend N NM-19 ABS + Nylon 6 (DAM)
753 BASF Terblend N NMX04 ABS + Nylon 6 (Conditioned)
754 BASF Terblend N NMX04 ABS + Nylon 6 (DAM)
755 BASF Terluran GP-22 ABS
756 BASF Terluran GP-35 ABS
757 BASF Terluran HH-106 ABS
758 BASF Terluran HH-112 ABS
759 BASF Terluran HI-10 ABS
760 BASF Terlux 2802 TR MABS
761 BASF Terlux 2812 TR MABS
762 Aquabond Technologies ABS-55 Water Soluble Adhesive and Bonding Thermoplastic
763 Aquabond Technologies ABS-65 Water Soluble Adhesive and Bonding Thermoplastic
764 Aquabond Technologies ABS-85 Water Soluble Adhesive and Bonding Thermoplastic
765 ComAlloy Hiloy® 221 ABS, Glass Reinforced, UL
766 ComAlloy Hiloy® 222 ABS, Glass Reinforced, UL
767 ComAlloy Hiloy® 223 ABS, Glass Reinforced
768 ComAlloy Comshield® 220 ABS, Electrically Conductive - Carbon Black Filled
769 ComAlloy Comshield® 229 ABS, Electrically Conductive - Stainless Steel Fiber Filled
770 A. Schulman, Inc. POLYFLAM™ RABS 930-01
771 A. Schulman, Inc. POLYBATCH™ AC-20531L, UV Absorber Concentrate
772 Bayer MaterialScience Bayblend® FR 110 Polycarbonate + ABS Blend
773 Bayer MaterialScience Bayblend® FR 2000 Polycarbonate + ABS Blend
774 Bayer MaterialScience Bayblend® FR 2010 Polycarbonate + ABS Blend
775 Bayer MaterialScience Bayblend® T45 Polycarbonate + ABS Blend
776 Bayer MaterialScience Bayblend® T65 Polycarbonate + ABS Blend
777 Bayer MaterialScience Bayblend® T85 Polycarbonate + ABS Blend
778 Bayer MaterialScience Bayblend® T88-2N Polycarbonate + ABS Blend
779 Bayer MaterialScience Bayblend® T88-4N Polycarbonate + ABS Blend
780 Bayer MaterialScience Bayblend® 2953 (Unplated) Polycarbonate + ABS Blend
781 Bayer MaterialScience Bayblend® KU 2-1446 Polycarbonate + ABS Blend
782 Bayer MaterialScience Bayblend® KU 2-1473 Polycarbonate + ABS Blend
783 Bayer MaterialScience Bayblend® KU 2-1514 Polycarbonate + ABS Blend
784 Bayer MaterialScience Bayblend® FR 3000 Polycarbonate + ABS Blend
785 Bayer MaterialScience Bayblend® FR 3001 Polycarbonate + ABS Blend
786 Bayer MaterialScience Bayblend® FR 3005 Polycarbonate + ABS Blend
787 Bayer MaterialScience Bayblend® FR 3030 Polycarbonate + ABS Blend
788 Bayer MaterialScience Bayblend® R-FR 390 Polycarbonate + ABS Blend
789 Bayer MaterialScience Bayblend® R-FR 610 Polycarbonate + ABS Blend
790 INEOS ABS Centrex® 485 ASA+AES Blend
791 INEOS ABS Centrex® 601 ASA+AES Blend
792 INEOS ABS Centrex® 811 ASA Blend
793 INEOS ABS Centrex® 813 ASA+AES Blend
794 INEOS ABS Centrex® 814 ASA Blend
795 INEOS ABS Centrex® 815 ASA Blend
796 INEOS ABS Centrex® 821 ASA Blend
797 INEOS ABS Centrex® 825 ASA+AES Blend
798 INEOS ABS Centrex® 833 ASA+AES Blend
799 INEOS ABS Centrex® HGM ASA Blend
800 INEOS ABS Lustran® ABS 130 ABS