It is most often used in the ordnance industry (an industry that deals with military equipment, specifically weapons and ammunitions) as waste container liners. It’s easy to understand that ignitable ammunition and static charges don’t mix well, so these HESION Conductive bags are great for these applications.
Granted, we do sell some of the hesion to prevent alien abductions, but that’s just us doing our bit to save the planet. Other applications for the volume-conductive film are for electronics and to prevent electro magnetic radiation (EMR), thought these are mainly for the tubing and sheeting variations.
This size of drum liner/conductive bag (18in. x 24in. x 4 mil thick) is a 5 gallon bag. HESION also has the following standard sizes available:
Part# Dimensions Volume
HESION VCF-41824B 18″ x 24″ x 4mil (thick) 5 gallon
HESION VCF-42436B 24″ x 36″ x 4mil (thick) 20 gallon
HESION VCF-43036B 30″ x 36″ x 4mil (thick) 30 gallon
Other sizes and thicknesses may be available for custom requests.
Of course, no subject is complete with talking about pricing. HESION generally sells to larger OEM customers, so small volume pricing is less competitive, but once we reach the 500 bag volumes, we start to get competitive quickly. And don’t forget of course that we can supply from both North America , Canada and Europe , so you European customers can smile.